About Us
The world of risks and opportunities within which businesses operate is rapidly changing.
Companies are facing increasing pressure from consumers who want to know that they are dealing with responsible corporate citizens, and the impact that companies have on biodiversity is a critical element of this.
Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the important role that biodiversity plays in their value chains and there is a need to identify and manage the business risks and opportunities that result from their interactions with biodiversity to avoid negative impacts on their bottom line.
The Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) recognised the need for a body to assist business in the integration or mainstreaming of biodiversity into its strategies and activities. This led the EWT to establish the National Biodiversity and Business Network (NBBN) in 2013, in partnership with the Department of Environmental Affairs, De Beers, Pam Golding Properties, Nedbank Limited, Hatch, Pick n Pay, and Transnet.
In 2016, the list of NBBN partners grew to include Woolworths and Eskom. The aim of the NBBN is to facilitate a reduction in the impact of business on biodiversity in South Africa. It achieves this by assisting business with the development and dissemination of tools and guidelines.
The NBBN also presents capacity-building events that provide a platform for businesses to proactively engage with each other and discover solutions that lead to sustainable business growth.
The Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) is a non-governmental, non-profit, conservation organisation, founded in 1973 and operating throughout southern Africa. The EWT is a leading high-profile player amongst conservation organisations in South Africa and fills the key niche of conservation action, through applied fieldwork, research and direct engagement with stakeholders

The NBBN is a member of the Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity (GPBB) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The GPBB currently comprises 21 national and regional business and biodiversity initiatives, all working towards greater business engagement on biodiversity-related issues, including but not limited to sustainable supply chains, biodiversity no-net-loss initiatives and biodiversity reporting.
The NBBN is also a partner of Business for Nature a global coalition that brings together business and conservation organizations and forward-thinking companies.
Together, we demonstrate credible business leadership on nature and amplify a powerful leading business voice calling for governments to adopt policies now to reverse nature loss this decade
EWT is a Natural Capital Regional Platform of the Natural Capital Coalition, an international collaboration that unites the global natural capital community. The Coalition is made up of almost 300 organizations (and engages many thousands more) who together represent all parts of society and span the global economy. Coalition organizations have united under a common vision of a world that conserves and enhances natural capital.